Friday, December 24, 2010

20 mph+ rides from Evanston / Wilmette

There's a new blog covering the routine 20+ mph rides from the Panera at Wilmette Avenue and Green Bay Rd.

These are connected to the Evanston Bike Club, but are open to all -- well, all who are fast enough.

These are also on the EBC schedule here:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Seems like a good idea

Sign found in the Snake River Brewing pub in Jackson, WY.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Sunday, November 22, 2009

So how about those readers of Golf Digest?

Ever watch those Cialis or Viagra ads on TV? Notice they often say "see our ad in Golf Digest".

Notice they say "Golf Digest". They don't say "Bicycling" or "Adventure Cycling" or "Velonews" or "Cycling News".

Think about it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Carbon fiber bridge

Carbon fiber: it's not just for bicycles anymore! This bridge in Maine is mostly carbon fiber. See this NYT article.  The bridge is lighter and resists corrosion.

Friday, September 04, 2009

The World's Smartest Human on the Chicago Olympic Bid

Cecil Adams, nom-de-plume of a columnist for the Chicago Reader and "The World's Smartest Human", on Chicago's Olympic bid:

"... we face the prospect of hosting a giant world athletic competition involving billions of dollars of expenditure that nonetheless poses no financial risk. Perhaps 50 people in town can honestly claim to understand this. These individuals are operators. Chicago is their natural home."

It almost seems as if there is a local conspiracy to forget 1976 -- no, not the Bicentennial of American Independence, but the financial debacle of the Montreal Olympics.

"The Olympics were a financial disaster for Montreal, as the city faced debts for 30 years after the Games had finished. The Quebec provincial government took over construction when it became evident in 1975 that work had fallen far behind schedule; work was still under way just weeks before the opening date, and the tower was not built. Mayor Jean Drapeau had confidently predicted in 1970 that "the Olympics can no more have a deficit than a man can have a baby", but the debt racked up to a billion dollars that the Quebec government mandated the city pay in full."